Welcome to the Shooting Star Children's Hospices Learning Marketplace!

Shooting Star Children's Hospices cares for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families, across west London and Surrey. We're here to make every moment count, whether lives are measured in days, weeks, months, or years. We support families from diagnosis to end of life and throughout bereavement with a range of nursing, practical, emotional, and medical care. Our specialist care and support is free of charge and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our education courses are suitable for health and social care practitioners with experience of, or interest in, paediatric palliative care. If you would like to know more about any of the courses listed please email educationbookings@shootingstar.org.uk

Getting Started with Simulation Training in Palliative Care

This e learning package has been produced as a collaboration between Shooting Star Children's Hospices and Kingston University following a successful project to implement simulation training at the hospice. 

It should take between 2 - 3 hours to complete and includes top tips and advice, videos, interactive elements and sources of support for all pallative care educators who are already or are considering including simulation training in their training program.

The sections of the e learning are


The Simulation Environment

Scenario Writing

Running the Scenario


Further information and resources